Artist Lacking Creative Management And Consistency In Akatsi

Fleck Daniels

The Managing Director of SBN, Mr Fleck Daniels who is a native of Akatsi has identifies the problems of his people and he do mention two strong keys that can help artist from Akatsi to reach the limelight and even mush better than what people doing now. He said Creative Management That’s simply what’s the artist  are lacking in Akatsi.
The other side has to do with consistency.
Unfortunately, most of them don’t have the resources to invest in their talents, especially into the creative management aspect, you’d get good results out of that sweat

Take yourself as a good example, you’ve been creative, consistent and on top of what you wanna do.

Even with the little you have, you do stand out each year, same applies to Stephen. I think most of the guys ought to learn from some of these examples and check on the success of other arts, what are they doing differently? Let them network and learn more.

Anyways, Gabanki was setting that pace sometimes back, he’s currently down a bit from my view point, but I’m sure he’s reworking so much to get back.

I’ve got a good eye on Kleensers, but I think they should equally check some these stuffs out, when it comes to branding, they’ve been on top in their small ways and creativities.

But largely, there’s more to be done to reach the top, it takes persistence, creativity, extra energy and consistency.

The biggest blow I was expecting was Acid, but I literally hear of him these days, he was my man for the streets, but…

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