Selorm Ameza, I gave an acronym to the initials of KETA

I gave an acronym to the initials of KETA as; #Kingdom_Equipped_To_Achieve and it sums up the gifts of God to Keta in one sentence.
Keta is indeed equipped to achieve so much more than it is now. And though we can partly blame the sea for destroying almost half the town, Keta still has a lot of natural resources worth propelling it forward to achieve social and economic growth. Keta has more to offer and achieve than the eye meets.

#Oil has been found at the Keta basin in large quantities and the Ghanaian government has already given the Swiss African Company exploration and production license at the Keta Delta basin block for exploration works to begin.
But then some experts claim exploration of the oil would affect the land and people negatively since it is an “onshore exploration”. But then the fact remains that Keta has a relatively large amount of Oil and we know oil is the engine the runs the world so Keta is indeed equipped.

Keta has what it takes to become one of the largest producers of Salt in the country and salt production has been a source of livelihood for the people in and around Keta(Afiadenyigba, Adina etc) long before the coming of the Europeans. But then just as every natural resource in Ghana, the salt industry in Keta has been facing government manipulations with the government aiming to build a Salt estate in Keta and has granted exploration license to a British/Indian Salt Company Kensington to mine salt and another Seven Seas salt company as well.
But as long as the sea keeps spilling salt water into the Lagoon, Keta would remain a salt producing community and a Kingdom equipped with natural resources to achieve economic and social development someday soon.

Keta had a Harbour during the Colonial days where European Ships came to dock to buy provisions as well as slaves. And then the possibility of Keta finally getting the much awaited “Port” is a reality to happen soon. And just imagine a Port in Keta soon? Land has already been demarcated so hopefully Keta is indeed going to get a Port soon. So believe me when I say Keta is equipped to achieve the highest height of development.

Keta has the Atlantic Ocean which is a great source of Tourism development with awesome infrastructure springing up and it can only get better.
And then the Keta Lagoon which I call the gift from God to Keta is a tool for great development as massive creatively awesome infrastructures are springing up on the Lagoon and a tour on it would give you breathless moments.

The story of the Atlantic slave trade in Keta is very powerful and a great source of Tourism especially with the introduction of the much patronized “YearOfReturn”. And trust me Keta would enjoy its fair share of visitors from the Diaspora in this decade and this history of Keta is a tool going to bring in investors especially among Blacks from the Diaspora. We just have to collectively tell the Keta story and the magic would happen.

Keta has other beautiful sights and sounds that shows how much Keta is equipped naturally to achieve.
The Sun rises over the Ocean in Keta every morning in a spectacular manner and then it sets beautifully as well on the Keta Lagoon every dusk. You need to watch this of you admire the beauty of nature.
And the Keta sandy Beach is the cleaness with awesome waves.

So KETA is a KINGDOM EQUIPPED TO ACHIEVE. And this 2020 till eternity the story of Keta would linger in every heart and be like the taste of chocolate on every lips.

Story by BlackOcean

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